Justin and I have been asked back to do another round of casting. We will be covering Qualifier #2 this time around. If you want to catch the broadcast, it should start at noon eastern (9am pacific) on July 8th. It will be on the new Twitch channel dedicated to Legends, and you can find the broadcast from the first qualifier if you missed it.
I'm going to be one of the casters for the Legends Masters Series Qualifier coming up!
I'll be traveling to California this weekend to help cast the upcoming Masters Series Qualifier tournament for The Elder Scrolls: Legends. I'll be casting along with Justin Larson.
I'm going to be a guest on Game Talk Live
Later today, I'm going to be a guest on Game Talk Live. The episode will focus on digital CCG news, which means there will be plenty to talk about.
I'm going to Bethesda HQ!
Today on Twitter, it was shared that some of the content creators for The Elder Scrolls: Legends were headed to the offices of Bethesda. I'm happy to share that I am one of the people attending. The downside is... that's all I can share. I was already covered by an NDA with Bethesda prior my trip to PAX, but everything at this event is also going to be kept under lock and key until a later date. Those that are attending will get to see the "future of Legends" and meet the other content creators.
As such, my stream schedule will be weird this week and I don't know exactly when I'll be live. I'll do my best to post to Twitter if-and-when I'll be going live. The Fun & Interactive Podcast should be returning this weekend as well, so that's something to look forward to.
I'm going to be at PAX East!
If you are going to PAX East, make sure to go to the Bethesda Gameplay Day located across from the convention center. Justin Larson and I will be there to meet with members of the community, and we will also be broadcasting a live episode of the Fun & Interactive Podcast there on site. CVH will be joining us to talk about the new Legends Expansion, Houses of Morrowind. You can find more details about the event here.